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Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
(VW) Volkswagen Golf MK6 - DSG Service Parts

(VW) Volkswagen Golf MK6 - DSG Service Parts

The Volkswagen Golf MK6 GTI & Golf MK6R feature the first generation DQ250 DSG gearbox. You should service your DQ250 every 4 years or 60,000 Km's. The service fluid amount is 5.2L.

We have genuine DSG oil filters, O-rings, DSG Gearbox oil, seals, washers, filing pipes, gaskets and everything else including DSG tunes from 034 Motorsport.

You should service your DQ250 often and with high quality genuine or aftermarket parts.
