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Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
(VW) Volkswagen Golf GTI MK6 Tuning Packages

(VW) Volkswagen Golf GTI MK6 Tuning Packages

VAGPARTS Australia is pleased to offer Volkswagen Golf GTI MK6 tuning packages in partnership with 034 Motorsport.

034 Motorsport has a great range of ECU & DSG tunes for your Volkswagen Golf MK6 GTI. When you wish to flash tune your vehicle this is done simply and quickly with your Dynamic+ tuning cable. You can tune your vehicle from home and flash between files.

See: Volkswagen Golf MK6 GTI ECU tune & See: DQ250 DSG tune (stage 1 & 2)

We have carefully selected some quality parts below to help you choose the best tuning package. This is unique to 034 motorsport and VAGPARTS Australia. We have put a number tuning packages together to provide value and performance. You can select a package or select your own parts.
