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Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
N80 - EVAP Purge Valves - Volkswagen Golf MK5/MK6

N80 - EVAP Purge Valves - Volkswagen Golf MK5/MK6

The primary function of the purge valve (N80) is to capture fuel vapor from the fuel tank and return it to the fuel system so that it can be burned in the engine instead of being released into the air. The purge valve is also used to tests for vapor leaks by pulling a vacuum.

5 Symptoms of a Bad Vapor Canister Purge Valve 

  • Check Engine Light
  • Rough Idle
  • Trouble Starting Car
  • Poor Engine Performance
  • Emissions Test Failure

 We have a range of N80 purge valves for the MK5 (EA113) and MK6 (EA888) platform. 
