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Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
Boxing Day Sale - 26th to 31st. Save 10% Discount code "BDS"
034 Motorsport Australia

034 Motorsport Australia

VAGPARTS is Australia's exclusive distributor and importer for 034 Motorsport. We hold a lot of local 034 Motorsport stock & offer fantastic customer support. We place orders every single week for new stock.

034 Motorsport was founded in 2005 with a passion for bringing motorsport-quality performance upgrades and tuning to Audi and Volkswagen vehicles. 

If you are looking for one brand that focuses on handling & improved driving feel 034 is the global leader. All products are road and track tested. If you want the best and handling is important to you, purchase 034!

You may also be interested in ECU Tuning & DSG tuning solutions.
